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Welcome to the FastFuels Python SDK Documentation!

What is FastFuels?

FastFuels is a cloud-based platform for generating forest inventory data. It uses a combination of satellite imagery and machine learning to generate tabular tree data and voxelized 3D fuel models. These data products can be used to support wildfire risk assessment, fire behavior modeling, and other applications.

What is the FastFuels Python SDK?

The FastFuels Python SDK is a Python package that provides a convenient interface for interacting with the FastFuels API. It can be used to create and manage FastFuels resources. It can also be used to download and process generated data products.


The FastFuels Python SDK can be installed using pip or conda.


pip install fastfuels-sdk


Conda support is coming soon!


The FastFuels Python SDK uses API keys to authenticate requests. FastFuels is currently in development and is not yet available to the public. If you are interested in using FastFuels, please contact us at

Getting Started

Users can import the FastFuels Python SDK into their Python scripts by using the fastfuels_sdk package. During import, the SDK will attempt to load the user's API key from the FASTFUELS_API_KEY environment variable. If the environment variable is not set, the user will receive an error message.

import fastfuels_sdk

To set the API key, the user can either set the FASTFUELS_API_KEY environment variable in their shell, or directly in their Python script.




import os
os.environ["FASTFUELS_API_KEY"] = "my-api-key"

The create_dataset function is the primary entry point for creating FastFuels resources. It can be used to create a new dataset from a geojson file, or to retrieve an existing dataset from the FastFuels API.

import json
from fastfuels_sdk import create_dataset

# Load a geojson file
with open('path/to/geojson/file') as f:
    geojson = json.load(f)

# Create a dataset
dataset = create_dataset(name="my-dataset",
                         description="My dataset description",


If you encounter any issues with the FastFuels Python SDK, please submit an issue on the GitHub repository.