Projections and I/O#

Spatial projections#

io.Projector(src_epsg, dst_epsg)

Helper class to handle reprojections during I/O operations.


Project from source EPSG to destination EPSG


Project from destimation EPSG to source EPSG

io.Projector.estimate_utm_epsg(lon, lat, ...)

Estimate the UTM EPSG code for a given point

io.Projector.to_wgs84(geometry, src_epsg)

Convenience method to project a shapely geometry or GeoJSON feature to WGS84.


Convert geometry from WGS84 to UTM

Importing and exporting#


Parse a GeoJSON to a shapely Polygon

io.write_geojson(geometries, src_epsg[, ...])

Write a list of shapely geometries to GeoJSON

io.write_quicfire(geometry, times, elapsed_time)

Writes a QUIC-fire ignition file