
StripContour.generate_pattern(spacing: float = 0, depth: float = 0, heat_depth: float = 0, side: str = 'right', heat_delay: float = 0, topo_scale: int = 1) driptorch.pattern.Pattern#

Generate a flank fire ignition pattern

spacingfloat, optional

Staggering distance in meters between igniters within a heat

depthfloat, optional

Horizontal distance in meters between igniters and heats

heat_depthfloat, optional

Depth in meters between igniter heats. If None, heat_depth is equal to igniter depth. Defaults to None.

heat_delayfloat, optional

Delay in seconds between igniter heats. Defaults to 0.

sidestr, optional

Side of the firing vector to start the ignition. Defaults to ‘right’. Options are ‘left’ or ‘right’.

topo_scale: int, optional

Scale factor for topographic influence on ignition paths. Defaults to 1.


Spatiotemporal ignition pattern