DripTorch 0.9.0-beta.1 Release Notes#

New Features#

Strip contour firing beta release (PR #143)#

The strip contour firing technique is working, but unstable. We will follow up with beta bumps until we reach a stable version of the new firing technique.

Cloud-hosted DEM and on-the-fly grid reprojection (PR #137)#

These efforts support our goal to add contour following ignition patterns in version 0.9. The grid extraction and processing happens automatically behind the scenes.

Contour-following strip ignition prototype (PR #138)#

This PR encompasses the prototype code for an algorithm to commpute the geodesic distance transform over a 2.5 dimensional surface representated as a 2 dimensional matrix.

Bug fixes#

Incorrect naming of EPSG 4326 (PR #141)#

Somehow we got in the habit of calling EPSG: 4326 ‘Web Mercator’ while it’s actually WGS84. We have updated the code and docs to semantically reference 4326 as WGS84.


This is a breaking change for users directly using the mercator_to_utm and to_mercator methods from the Projector class.