
Ignition personnel can be configured and assembled in an ignition crew. For individual igniters, you can specify their velocity in meters/second and the line type of the ignition they produce.

# Create a few igniters with different line types
fast_line_igniter = dt.Igniter(2)
slow_dot_igniter = dt.Igniter(0.1, gap_length=10)
medium_dash_igniter = dt.Igniter(1, dash_length=10)
irregular_dash_igniter = dt.Igniter(1, dash_length=10, gap_length=50)

We can allocate these igniters to an ignition crew in various ways. One thing to note is that some firing techniques, such as strip-heading and flanking patterns require that all igniters in an crew walk at the same speed. By default, the IgnitionCrew constructor will throw an exception if igniters with unequal velocities are allocated to the crew. If you want to allow for unequal velocity, which could be appropriate in a ring ignition pattern for example, then set same_velocity=False.

two_man_crew = dt.IgnitionCrew(same_velocity=False)

DripTorch provides various way to construct an ignition crew. You can initialize the crew using a list of igniters,

igniter_list = [slow_dot_igniter, fast_line_igniter]
three_man_crew = dt.IgnitionCrew.from_list(igniter_list)
# Throws an exception due to unequal igniter velocities

or create a crew by duplicating an single igniter is to use the clone_igniter() alternative contructor.

six_man_crew = dt.IgnitionCrew.clone_igniter(medium_dash_igniter, 6)

It is also possible to create other types of igniters, such as drone-base PSD/DAID devices. Just remember that even when you only have a single igniter resource, you still need to add it to an ignition crew to be passes to pattern generation methods.

drone_igniter = dt.Igniter(1, dash_length=10, gap_length=50)
drone_crew = dt.IgnitionCrew.from_list([drone_igniter])